When Shoya Ishida leads his sixth-grade classmates in bullying Shoko Nishimiya, a new student who is deaf, his life takes a dark turn. After the principal condemns Shoya’s actions, he faces isolation from everyone, from friends to teachers, which continues well into high school. Haunted by guilt, Shoya plans to end his life but instead resolves to make amends by reconnecting with Shoko. As he tries to bring together their old classmates and foster understanding, Shoya realizes that each of them bears their own burdens from the past. Through the experience of creating a film together, they face painful memories, misunderstandings, and ultimately find forgiveness and healing. When Shoya saves Shoko from a tragic moment, his bravery helps repair their fractured friendships. Reunited, they navigate the future together, finally able to move forward with new hope.